Image Processing Software
An important task in life science labs is cell counting via image processing. You can read how to perform automated counts of flourescently stained cells here [FHCRC.ORG]. Using methylene blue or trypan blue counting cells is easily automated. Any good microscope with external light source can be used and any 50 Dollar digital camera will do the task. An adapter is helpfull and can be used but is not needed. The picture can be directly taken from the ocular.
Howto with ImageJ:
0) rectengular selection -> image crop
1) process -> binary -> threshold
2) analyze -> analyze particles
3) save result as excel file -> sort according area
4) save $$$$ dollar
Splitting color RGB channels and adjust image threshold (B&W) (Over/Under), calibrating the measurement helps with difficult pictures. This example was done with a Canon A400 for 99 Dollar/Euro.
Software Tools are:
- TIMWIN downloadable from Garbo
- ImageJ written in JAVA downloadable from NIH
- SIGMASCAN downloadable from SYSTAT
- Image-Pro Plus downloadable from MediaCybernetics
- Scion Image from ScionCorp
- NIH-Image from the NIH
- Object Image from Uni Amsterdam
- DucoCell Analysis Software from Cellix
- DA Cell Counter from Yamato
you may also have a look at this page and this nice collection.