Currently Funded Projects


NIH R01 GM155383 (PI Fiehn, O)

A reproducible database for untargeted metabolomics data processing across laboratories

Establish LC-BinBase to be used by external laboratories for untargeted lipidomics and metabolomics

09/15/2024 to 07/31/2028

NIH R01 DK137173 (PI Adams, S)

      Identification of human gut microbe-derived xenolipids: impact of fibers and host metabolic health

Use LC-MS/MS and GC-TOF MS for cyclopropane-fatty acids and other xenometabolites produced by colonic bacteria

06/15/2024 to 04/30/2029

NIH R01 HL157535 (PI Byambaa, E)

Lp(a) and Oxidized Phospholipids - Impact of Diets

To identify oxidized lipids as part of plasma lipoprotein(a) that is an independent causal risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and which could be modulated by better diets.

12/15/2021 to 11/30/2025

NIH U01 AG08862 (MPI Fiehn, O.  Contact PI Kaddurah-Daouk, R  Duke U)
The Role of Chemical Exposures in Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and its Trajectory.

To link exposome measurements to phenotypes in cognition.


USDA 2021-67017-35783 (PI Slupsky, C. UC Davis,  Fiehn, O. UC Davis; coPI et al)

The UC Davis Dietary Biomarkers Development Center

To discover and validate of biomarkers of food intake for fruits and vegetables through the use of controlled dietary interventions in the presence of variable background diets using metabolomics techniques.

08/15/2021 to 07/31/2026

NIH U19 AG023122 (PI Schork, Nic)

Longevity Consortium

To assist in integrating metabolic data across studies and phenotypes to discern the causes of longevity in cross-sectional human cohorts and in cells and mouse experiments.

09/30/2024 - 08/31/2029

NIH U54 DA049113 (PI Olivier, M. Wake Forest, Winston-Salem, NC; co-I Fiehn, O

Integrated Omics Analysis of Pain: Omics Data Generation Center

To generate blood metabolomics data at 0, 3, 6 months after a surgical procedure or musculoskeletal trauma to predict the transition from acute to chronic pain.

09/01/2019 to 10/31/2026  NCE

NIH  R01 MD018459 (PI Chen, L. UCLA, co-I Fiehn, O)

The Elucidate the high and heterogenous risk of gestational diabetes among Asian Americans: an integrative approach of metabolomics, lifestyles and social determinants

To use nontargeted metabolomics on animal models for GDM risk assessments.

 09/01/2023 to 08/31/2028

HFSP RGP014/2023 (MPIs Galizia/Germany, Fiehn/USA, Jensen/Denmark )

SoBee - social immunity in honeybees

To profile volatiles to understand olfactory and brain receptor mechanisms in pathogen attacks in honeybee colonies

11/01/2023 to 10/31/2026

 NIH U54 NS137199 (PI Lipkin, IW Columbia Univ., co-I Fiehn, O)

Center for Solutions for ME/CFS

Project 1: Molecular Correlates of Symptom Severity in ME/CFS. To leverages a smart phone app to track the course of illness and correlate with metabolic data across 'good days and bad days', specifically for peroxisomal dysfunction (plasmalogens, unsaturated phospholipid ethers and carnitines, polyunsaturated long-chain triacylglycerides,  prostaglandin F2 alpha, the oxylipin resolvin D1 and phosphatidylcholines; α-ketoglutarate (α-KG) and succinate.)

March 2025:

Stop Work order by federal government

due to stop funding for Columbia U


09/03/2024 to  08/31/2029

NIH R21/R33 (PI Shalon, D  EnvivoBio, contractor Fiehn, O)

Development and clinical evaluation of the CapScan gastrointestinal sampling device for metabolomics monitoring, peformed and interpreted by the Fiehn lab.

04/01/2022 to 07/31/2026

Research Topics

Cheminformatics and Compound ID

Databases & Software development

Novel Technologies