Oliver Fiehn

UC Davis


Full publication list
Fiehn laboratory presentations at ASMS 2025, Baltimore, June 2025
"Mass.Wiki as novel informatics resource for confident and transparent compound annotations in metabolomics, lipidomics and exposome research"
Oliver Fiehn et al
"Transferable hypergraph-powered multimodality AI framework for predicting retention times of small molecules using HyperRT"
Fanzhou Kong et al
"MassCube: a Python framework for end-to-end metabolomics data processing from raw files to phenotype classifiers"
Huaxu Yu et al
analytical chemistry
"Lipid and neurotransmitter spatial distribution in transgenic rat model of Alzheimer's disease using MALDI MS imaging"
Tong Shen et al
"A Comprehensive Multi-Organ Metabolome Atlas of Aging Mice"
Min Liu et al
"Simultaneous Quantitation and Discovery (SQUAD) analysis of flavonoid conjugates in blood, urine and food using high flow and nanoflow LC-MS/MS"
Yendry Carvajal-Miranda et al
"New untargeted LC/MS/MS Assay and mass spectral / retention time libraries for natural products in food"
Uri Keshet et al
Fiehn laboratory presentations at MANA 2024, Tampa, October 2024
Oral presentation "Standardizing nontargeted metabolomics and exposomics: The LC-BinBase environment"
Oliver Fiehn et al. Thursday October 24, keynote lecture
Oral presentation "Metabolomics of 13,700 human plasma samples for the TEDDY cohort: A Big Data Challenge and Opportunity for Mass Spectrometry"
Uri Keshet et al.
Oral presentation "Food for Thought: Characterizing 500 Commonly Consumed Foods through Standardized Metabolomics for The Periodic Table of Food Initiative"
Arpana Vaniya et al.
Poster presentation "Simultaneous quantitation and discovery (SQUAD) metabolomics workflow for the analysis of flavonoids and their conjugates in blood, urine and food samples"
Yendry Carvajal et al. , Thursday October 24, poster session 
Fiehn laboratory presentations at ASMS 2024, Anaheim, June 2024
Oral presentation "Standardizing nontargeted metabolomics and exposomics: The LC-BinBase environment"
Oliver Fiehn et al. Tuesday June 4 Session : Informatics: Metabolomics and Lipidomics
Oral presentation "Advancing Absolute Lipid Quantification in Nontargeted LC-HRMS/MS Analysis by Multi-Point Calibration"
Lauren Bishop et al. Monday June 3  Session: Lipidomics: Targeted and Untargeted
Oral presentation "Metabolomics of 13,700 human plasma samples for the TEDDY cohort: A Big Data Challenge and Opportunity for Mass Spectrometry"
Uri Keshet et al. Monday June 3 Session f: Metabolomics: Untargeted Profiling
Oral presentation "Food for Thought: Characterizing 500 Commonly Consumed Foods through Standardized Metabolomics for The Periodic Table of Food Initiative"
Arpana Vaniya et al. Tuesday June 4 Session: Food Safety & Chemistry: Innovations
Poster presentation "Selecting Optimal Internal Standards for Non-targeted LC-MS Metabolomics in a Large Core Facility" Abstract ID number: 319084
Emi Cann et al. Tuesday June 4  Topic area: Metabolomics: Untargeted Metabolite Profiling II
Poster presentation "Advancing Metabolomics Analysis using GC-MS with Cold EI for Increased Identification, Throughput, and Sensitivity" Abstract ID number: 319018
Luis Valdiviez et al. Tuesday June 4  Topic area : Metabolomics: Untargeted Metabolite Profiling II
Poster presentation "Molecular spatial distribution in transgenic rat model of Alzheimer's disease using MALDI MS imaging" Abstract ID number: 318904
Tong Shen et al. Wednesday June 5 Topic area : Neuroscience and Neurodegenerative Disease Research II
Poster presentation " Big-data metabolomics: annotating MS/MS spectra for structures and biological relevance by querying extremely large scale datasets " Abstract ID number: 318331
Yuanyue Li et al.  Monday June 3 Topic area: Informatics: Metabolomics and Lipidomics
Poster presentation "Standardizing retention times to reduce ambiguity of small molecule identification" Abstract ID number: 317021
Huaxu Yu et al. Monday June 3 Topic area: Small Molecules: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis
Poster presentation "Unveiling Real-time Changes: In Vivo Solid Phase Microextraction of Ultra-Trace Endogenous Psychedelics" Abstract ID number: 320686
Min Liu et al. Tuesday June 4  Topic area for your poster: Biomarkers: Quantitative Analysis I
Fiehn laboratory presentations at Metabolomics Association of North America, Edmonton/Alberta, Canada.  September 2022
"Database query across 160,000 metabolomic samples in GC-TOF mass spectrometry"
Parker Bremer et al.
"Impacts of Tissue-Specific Adduct Formation on Lipid Quantification"
Lauren Bishop et al.
"Characterizing peroxisomal, metabolome and lipidome changes following COVID infection in the Syrian Hamster model"
Kamyar Choubak et al.

Fiehn laboratory presentations at Metabolomics Society, Valencia/Spain, June 2022
 #28 workshop
"Revisiting CASMI: showcase your success in compound identification for 500 new unknowns, using raw LC-MS/MS data."
Dr. Arpana Vaniya, Dr. Oliver Fiehn
#258 oral presentation, session keynote "microbiome and GI function"
"Spatial-, temporal- and inter-person variation of metabolites across the upper and lower human gastrointestinal tract."
Dr. Oliver Fiehn et al.
#257 oral presentation
"Unraveling 100 plant glycosyltransferases with 600 Natural compounds: results of a combinatorial screen"
Elys Rodriguez et al.
#350 oral presentation
"Ultra-high throughput metabolomics and lipidomics: Results from the first 5,000 samples"
Zachary Rabow et al.
#115 oral presentation
"Stool metabolome of four NIST stool reference materials"
Dr. Racquel Cumeras Olmeda et al.
Fiehn laboratory presentations at ASMS 2022, June 2022
date ASMS #
title First author et al.
06/08/2022 310290
oral: LC-BinBase: Metabolomic and lipidomic results from the first 5,000 samples
Uri Keshet


new technologies

oral: Comparison of CFM-ID, MS-FINDER, and SIRIUS+CSI:FingerID with LC-high resolution-MS/MS data from 500 new reference compounds
Arpana Vaniya


Drug metabolism, Pharmacokinetics

oral: Multi-organ analysis of metabolomics data:  which significant changes in plasma metabolites are also found in muscle, adipose, and liver?

Sara Greenfield

311513 Informatics              

poster: Libgen: a fully automated software for constructing, curating, and optimizing MS libraries Fanzhou Kong


Metabolomics: General

poster: Molecular spatial distribution in mouse tissues with LC-MS/MS profiling and MALDI Imaging on MALDI Trapped Ion-Mobility TOF
Tong Shen
06/08/2022 308916
AI in MS
poster: Transfer learning enhanced elucidation of Glycosyltransferases-substrate specificity Shunyang Wang
06/08/2022 310308
poster: Spectral entropy outperforms MS/MS dot product similarity for small-molecule compound identification Yuanyue Li
Fiehn laboratory presentations at ASMS 2021
date ASMS #
title First author et al.
11/02/2021 306800
oral: Removing the limits for large-scale studies using high-speed and high-throughput untargeted metabolomics
Oliver Fiehn
11/01/2021 306487
oral: Combining electron activation and collision-induced dissociation yields massively enriched mass spectra for >3,000 metabolites Uri Keshet
11/03/2021 306927
oral: In-vivo sampling of healthy human intestinal tract regions using a novel ingestible sampling device with comprehensive metabolomics Jacob Folz
11/02/2021 308364
oral: The NIH Metabolomics Consortium Unknown Lipids Project: An Inter-laboratory Study of the ‘Dark Matter’ of Untargeted Lipidomics Data Charles Evans (U Michigan)
11/01/2021 308127
Extending the MassBank.us natural product reference mass spectral library with more than 4,400 new reference standards Arpana Vaniya
11/02/2021 307730
Differential oxidized complex lipids in bio-specimen by LC-DDA-MS/MS and iterative MS/MS Tong Shen
11/02/2021 308166
Novel Insights of ME/CFS Patients by High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Indicates Dyslipidemia and Peroxisome Dysfunction Zachary Rabow
11/01/2021 307027
Alternative identification of Glycosides using MS/MS matching with Aglycone Mass Spectra Library Elys Rodriguez
11/01/2021 306613
Predicting electron ionization mass spectra by excited-state molecular dynamics Shunyang Wang
11/02/2021 306679
Accurate Mass Spectral and Retention Index Library for Metabolomics Based on Quadrupole Time-of-flight Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Honglian (Bella) Ye
 Mana speakers
Fiehn laboratory presentations at ASMS 2020
date ASMS # title First author et al.
Monday June 01, 2020 304878

oral: Combining biological and chemical information in compound annotation for untargeted metabolomics
Oliver Fiehn
2020 poster Identifying plant natural products in the food we eat by untargeted metabolomics Arpana Vaniya
2020 poster Comparing accurate mass MS/MS spectral similarity algorithms for small molecules Yuanyue Li
2020 poster Strong sexual dimorphism of plasma metabolites in 30 gene knockout mice strains by multi-platform mass spectrometry analyses Ying Zhang
2020 poster
Untargeted identification of acyl-CoAs in mouse liver using the in-silico CoA-BLAST library Uri Keshet
2020 poster MicroLC-MS/MS Untargeted Metabolomics Analysis of Common Food Products Tong Shen
Thursday June 04, 2020 304721

oral: Using Complete Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange to Identify Unknown Compounds in Untargeted HILIC Metabolomics of Mouse Mammary Tumors Clayton Bloszies
Fiehn laboratory presentations at ASMS 2019
date ASMS # title First author et al.
June 05, 2019
Leco breakfast
7:00 a.m.
Oral:   Using the Pegasus BT GC-time of flight mass spectrometer with open access online metabolomic databases 
Oliver Fiehn
June 03, 2019
 MP511 Poster: Untargeted Lipidomic Profiling of Bis(monoacylglycero)phosphate Lipids in Cancer Cells and Tumor Tissues Point to Transformation Specific Regulation of Acyl Chains
Megan Showalter
June 03, 2019
 MP527 Poster: Rapid and sensitive characterization of FAHFA lipids using an untargeted lipidomics approach Tong Shen
June 05, 2019
 WP415 Poster: Using Cloud Computing for Large Scale Data Processing in Clinical Metabolomics
Oliver Fiehn
June 05, 2019

Poster: A Novel and Comprehensive Steroid Assay Including Thyroxin Compounds Using Small Volume Human Serum or Plasma Samples

Gregory Byram
June 06, 2019

Poster: Development of a new vitamin D assay and its application to profile vitamin D metabolites in a pediatric population

Brian DeFelice
Fiehn laboratory presentations at ASMS 2018
date ASMS # title First author et al.
June 03, 2018
Sciex user meeting Oral:   Using cheminformatics tools with accurate mass untargeted + targeted LC-MS/MS for comprehensive metabolomics in human plasma Oliver Fiehn
June 04, 2018
MOD 8:30 am
Ballroom 20D
Oral:   Structural annotation and identification of metabolites by mass spectrometry-based cheminformatics Oliver Fiehn
June 06, 201
WOG 3:50 pm
Ballroom 6CF
Oral:   MassBank of North America: An Open-Access, Auto-Curating Mass Spectral Repository for Compound Identification Sajjan S. Mehta
June 04, 2018
MP564 Poster: An Extensive Comparison of MS Libraries of Plant Natural Products Across LTQ, Q Exactive HF, and QTOF MS Arpana Vaniya
June 04, 2018
MP 592

Poster: Merging Bile Acids and Steroids Targeted Analysis using Parallel Reaction Monitoring on a Q Exactive HF MS

Tong Shen
June 04, 2018
MP 609

Poster: Chemical and Correlation Similarity Enrichment Analysis for Interpreting Untargeted Lipidomics Datasets from the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Cohort

Dinesh Barupal
June 05, 2018

Poster: Integrated Analysis of Proteomics and Metabolomics Data in ER- and ER+ Breast Cancer Tissues

Bei Gao
June 06, 2018
WP 442

Poster: Increasing Annotation Rates in Untargeted Lipidomics Research Using Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry

Ivana Blazenovic
June 06, 2018
WP 545

Poster: iTree: MSn Mass Spectral Tree Library of Plant Natural Products

Bennett Haffner
June 06, 2018
WP 560 Poster: Improving Precision in Plasma Amino Acid Analysis for Large Clinical Cohort Studies Using Stable Isotope Internal Standards Ying Zhang
June 06, 2018
Room 17 AB
5:45 - 7:00 pm
Workshop: Best practices for metabolomics - Exchange of mass spectra in MassBank of North America Oliver Fiehn
June 07, 2018
ThP 087

Poster: New Method for Rapid LC-MS/MS Quantification of N1,N12-Diacetylspermine in a Wide-Range of Common Biofluids, Relevance in Cancer Biomarker Screening

Brian DeFelice
Fiehn laboratory presentations at ASMS 2017
date ASMS # title First author et al.
Monday June 05, 2017
289099 Increasing compound identification rates in untargeted metabolomics research Ivana Blazenovic
Wednesday June 07, 2017
290039 Discovering isomeric metabolites with liquid chromatography drift tube-ion mobility mass spectrometry Tong Shen
Wednesday June 07, 2017
290727 Identifying biologically important metabolites by mass spectrometry-based cheminformatics Zijuan Lai
Wednesday June 07, 2017


Comparison of GC-TOF-MS, GC-QTOF-MS and GC-quadrupole-MS for stable isotope tracer studies Bei Gao
Monday June 05, 2017
289985 Investigation of natural products in symbiotic nitrogen-fixing root nodules of Datisca glomerata by LC-MSn and ion tree analysis using iTree Arpana Vaniya
Monday June 05, 2017
290123 A targeted LC-MS/MS method for separation and quantification of numerous Vitamin D metabolites including 1α,25(OH)2D, 3-EPI-25OHD3, and 25OHD3 Brian DeFelice
Monday June 05, 2017
290077 Pharmacokinetic and metabolomic profiling of inhaled simvastatin in rhesus macaque Mona ElBadawi-Sidhu
Thursday June 08, 2017


Comparison of eight high resolution LC-MS platforms validates accurate quantifications in untargeted plasma lipidomics Tomas Cajka
Tuesday June 06, 2017


Untargeted metabolomic profiling of the epitranscriptome: discovery of new modified nucleobases in RNA Megan Showalter
Thursday June 08, 2017


MassBank of North America: an open access metadata-centric, auto-curating repository for mass spectra from different instrument platforms Gert Wohlgemuth
Selected interesting publications


Metabolite Measurement: Pitfalls to Avoid and Practices to Follow
W Lu, X Su, MS Klein, IA Lewis, O Fiehn, JD Rabinowitz
Annual Review of Biochemistry 86 (1)
Metabolic perturbations of postnatal growth restriction and hyperoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension in a bronchopulmonary dysplasia model
MR La Frano, JF Fahrmann, D Grapov, O Fiehn, TL Pedersen, ...
Metabolomics 13 (4), 32
Metabox: A Toolbox for Metabolomic Data Analysis, Interpretation and Integrative Exploration
K Wanichthanarak, S Fan, D Grapov, DK Barupal, O Fiehn
PloS one 12 (1), e0171046
Integrated Metabolomics and Proteomics Highlight Altered Nicotinamide-and Polyamine Pathways in Lung Adenocarcinoma   JF Fahrmann, DD Grapov, K Wanichthanarak, BC DeFelice, MR Salemi, ...
 Carcinogenesis, bgw205
Pharmacometabolomic signature links simvastatin therapy and insulin resistance
M Elbadawi-Sidhu, RA Baillie, H Zhu, YDI Chen, MO Goodarzi, JI Rotter, ...
Metabolomics 13 (1), 11
Evaluation of metabolomics profiles of grain from maize hybrids derived from near-isogenic GM positive and negative segregant inbreds demonstrates that observed differences cannot be attributed unequivocally to the GM trait
GG Harrigan, TV Venkatesh, M Leibman, J Blankenship, T Perez, S Halls, ...
Metabolomics 12 (5), 1-14
Changes in plasma metabolites and glucose homeostasis during omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
SE Karakas, B Perroud, T Kind, M Palazoglu, O Fiehn
BBA Clinical
Metabolomics by Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry: Combined Targeted and Untargeted Profiling
O Fiehn
Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, 30.4. 1-30.4. 32
Evidence that COG0325 proteins are involved in PLP homeostasis
L Prunetti, B El Yacoubi, CR Schiavon, E Kirkpatrick, L Huang, M Bailly, ...
Microbiology 162 (4), 694-706
Serum phosphatidylethanolamine levels distinguish benign from malignant solitary pulmonary nodules and represent a potential diagnostic biomarker for lung cancer
JF Fahrmann, DD Grapov, BC DeFelice, S Taylor, K Kim, K Kelly, ...
Cancer Biomarkers, 1-9
Citrus tristeza virus infection in sweet orange trees and a mandarin× tangor cross alters low molecular weight metabolites assessed using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS)
A Pasamontes, WHK Cheung, J Simmons, AA Aksenov, DJ Peirano, ...
Metabolomics 12 (3), 1-10
Registered report: The common feature of leukemia-associated IDH1 and IDH2 mutations is a neomorphic enzyme activity converting alpha-ketoglutarate to 2-hydroxyglutarate
O Fiehn, MR Showalter, CE Schaner-Tooley
eLife 5, e12626
Metabolomic assessment of key maize resources: GC-MS and NMR profiling of grain from B73 hybrids of the nested association mapping (NAM) founders and of geographically diverse landraces
TV Venkatesh, AW Chassy, O Fiehn, S Flint-Garcia, Q Zeng, K Skogerson, ...
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry
DM Rotroff, DG Corum, AA Motsinger-Reif, O Fiehn, N Bottrel, WC Drevets, ...
Increasing lipidomic coverage by selecting optimal mobile-phase modifiers in LC–MS of blood plasma
T Cajka, O Fiehn
Metabolomics 12 (2), 1-11
Analysis of the genetic variation in growth, ecophysiology, and chemical and metabolomic composition of wood of Populus trichocarpa provenances
FP Guerra, JH Richards, O Fiehn, R Famula, BJ Stanton, R Shuren, ...
Tree Genetics & Genomes 12 (1), 1-16
Eighteen new oleaginous yeast species
LA Garay, IR Sitepu, T Cajka, I Chandra, S Shi, T Lin, JB German, O Fiehn, ...
Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, 1-14
Toward Merging Untargeted and Targeted Methods in Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics and Lipidomics
T Cajka, O Fiehn
Analytical chemistry 88 (1), 524-545
Ultrafast polyphenol metabolomics of red wines using microLC-MS/MS
Y Ma, N Tanaka, A Vaniya, T Kind, O Fiehn
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry
The metabolome regulates the epigenetic landscape during naive-to-primed human embryonic stem cell transition
H Sperber, J Mathieu, Y Wang, A Ferreccio, J Hesson, Z Xu, KA Fischer, ...
Nature cell biology 17 (12), 1523-1535
An in silico MS/MS library for automatic annotation of novel FAHFA lipids
Y Ma, T Kind, A Vaniya, I Gennity, JF Fahrmann, O Fiehn
Journal of cheminformatics 7 (1), 1-5
Volatile organic compound (VOC) profiling of citrus tristeza virus infection in sweet orange citrus varietals using thermal desorption gas chromatography time of flight mass spectrometry (TD-GC/TOF-MS)
WHK Cheung, A Pasamontes, DJ Peirano, W Zhao, EE Grafton-Cardwell, ...
Metabolomics 11 (6), 1514-1525
MINEs: open access databases of computationally predicted enzyme promiscuity products for untargeted metabolomics
JG Jeffryes, RL Colastani, M Elbadawi-Sidhu, T Kind, TD Niehaus, ...
Journal of cheminformatics 7 (1), 1-8
Informatics for improved algal taxonomic classification and research: A case study of UTEX 2341
BT Higgins, D Nobles, Y Ma, W Wikoff, T Kind, O Fiehn, J Brand, ...
Algal Research 12, 545-549
O Fiehn, WR Wikoff, T Cajka