...columns are very short GC columns with a high number of theoretical plates which allow very high sample capacity and allow very high flow rates. Multi-Cap capillaries are available form Alltech and BeeChrom capillaries from Chemspace.

Title A Practical Comparison of Two Recent Strategies for Fast Gas Chromatography: Packed Capillary Columns and Multicapillary Columns
Source J. Microcolumn Separations, 11(2), 155-162, 1999
Mark van Lieshout, Marieke van Deursen, Rico Derks, Hans-Gerd Janssen, Carel Cramers
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This article compares home-made packed capillary columns with an Alltech MC-1. The separation of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMES) is given as example. A fully separation up to C18 FAMES was obtained in 2 minutes. Several van Deemter curves are shown and discussed.

Title Comparison of a jet separator and an open splitter as an interface between a multi-capillary gas chromatographic column and a time-of-flight mass spectrometer
Source Journal of Mass Spectrometry, Volume 35, Issue 9 , Pages 1105 - 1111, 2000;
N. Pongpun, V. Mlynski, P.T. Crisp and M. Guilhaus
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As multicapillary columns are operated in high flow mode on one hand and mass spectrometers require a very low vacuum on the other hand, several problems may occour coupling MCs to MS. To overcome such obstacles special interfaces like open splitters, membrane separators or jet separators were built and evaluated.

DOI dx.doi.org/
Short Review

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Short Review

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Short Review