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Assistant Project Scientist & Program Coordinator

UC Davis Genome Center - Metabolomics
GBSF building room 1300
451 East Health Science Drive




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Research Interests:

  • Lipidomics and metabolomics
  • Ion mobility mass spectrometry
  • Interlaboratory reproducibility of untargeted and targeted metabolomics
  • Bioactive lipids and metabolites in model systems, human cohorts, protein-ligand interactions, etc
  • Data processing, QCQA, and biostatistics


  • 09/2009 - 01/2015: Ph.D. in Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • 09/2005 - 06/2009: B.S. in Biological Science and Biotechnology, Beijing Normal University, China

Past positions:

  • 2016 - 2019: Postdoctoral scholar, West Coast Metabolomics Center, UC Davis
  • 2015: Research Fellow, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  • 2014: Research Assistant, National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • 2010 - 2011: Teaching Assistant, Biology and Physiology, National University of Singapore
  • 2009: Intern, Sinovac Biotech, vaccine QA, Beijing, China

Google scholar:


Twitter: @ShenTong_ST