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Technical Director

UC Davis Genome Center - Metabolomics
GBSF building room 1228
451 East Health Science Drive




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Research interests:
- Analytical chemistry
- Chromatographic separation technologies
- Development of novel instrumentation
- Development of new methods for MS analysis techniques
- 2013-2018: Ph.D. in Chemistry: "Advances and New Ion Sources in Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry with Supersonic Molecular Beams", Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
- 2006-2012: B.Sc. in Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
  1. U. Keshet, Goldshlag. P, A. Amirav, " Pesticide analysis by pulsed flow modulation GCxGC-MS with Cold EI—an alternative to GC-MS-MS", Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry (410),  5507–5519 (2017) 
  2. S. Tsizin, R. Bokka, U. Keshet, T. Alon, A.B. Fialkov, N. Tal, A. Amirav, “Comparison of electrospray LC–MS, LC–MS with Cold EI and GC–MS with Cold EI for sample identification”, IJMS 422, 119-125 (2017)
  3. U. Keshet, T. Alon, A. B. Fialkov, A. Amirav, “Open Probe Fast GC-MS - Combining Ambient Sampling Ultra-Fast Separation and In-Vacuum Ionization for Real Time Analysis”, J. Mass. Spectrom. (52), 417–426 (2017) 
  4. U. Keshet, A. B. Fialkov, T. Alon, A. Amirav, "A New Pulsed Flow Modulation GCxGC-MS with Cold EI System and its Application for Jet Fuel Analysis", Chromatographia, (79), 741–754 (2016)
  5. A. Amirav, U. Keshet, A. Danon, “Soft Cold EI – approaching molecular ion only with electron Ionization”, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. (29), 1954–1960 (2015)
  6. A. Amirav, U. Keshet, T. Alon, A. B. Fialkov, "Open Probe fast GC–MS—Real time analysis with separation", International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, (371), 47-53 (2014)
  7. A. Blumberg, U. Keshet, I. Zaltsman, and O. Hod "Interlayer Registry to Determine the Sliding Potential of Layered Metal Dichalcogenides: The Case of 2H-MoS2" J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 3 (15), 1936–1940 (2012)