Delilah Milner
PhD student
UC Davis Genome Center - Metabolomics
GBSF building
451 East Health Science Drive
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Research Interests
Quaternary ammonium compounds
- Computational environmental toxicology
- Education
UC Davis : September 2021– Present PhD in Physical Chemistry
Sonoma State University : 2015 – 2019 Received a Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry.
Presidential scholar: 2015-2019 Magna Cum Laude GPA : 3.8
Research Projects
- Exposome Database Project : 2022 – Present I am working with Dr. Oliver Fiehn on creating an exposome database using natural language processing and text-mining by automating literature review to find the health outcomes of a given chemical exposure.
- LibreTexts Education Project : 2022 – Present I am working with Dr. Delmar Larsen on creating content that supports the mission and values of LibreTexts. My focus will be on creating materials to prepare students for various chemistry standardized tests.
- Astrochemistry Education Project : 2018 – 2020 I worked with Dr. Bogdan Negru at Sonoma State University to design an astrochemistry project targeted towards undergraduate students to teach them data analysis using chemical instruments that they may not have access to at their university.
- Chemistry Education Project : 2019 – 2020 I worked with Dr. Steven Farmer at Sonoma State University to create free educational resources and publish them for students to access
Work Experience
The Education Team 2019 – 2020 I worked as a substitute teacher for grades K-12.