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Graduate Student

UC Davis Genome Center - Metabolomics
GBSF building room 1300
451 East Health Science Drive




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Pharmacology and Toxicology Graduate Group

Research interests:


Developing and implementing LC-MS techniques to elucidate the role of vitamin D and eicosanoids, particularly omega-3 fatty acid derived eicosanoids, as potentially protective factors related to type-1-diabetes.

Lung Cancer:

NIH lung cancer data collected from 2005-2011 shows only 17.4% of lung cancer patients survive five years after diagnosis. To increase lung cancer patients five-year survival rate methods of recognizing the disease earlier are essential. Brian is using untargeted metabolomics approaches to identify and validate blood based pre-diagnostic metabolite biomarkers.

Untargeted LC-MS Data Processing:

Untargeted LC-MS techniques create vast amounts of sample data. Maximizing the amount of metabolite information extracted from these samples while minimizing the exogenous background noise is a difficult task. Brian is working with Fiehn Lab programmers to enhance current data processing programs and extract as much relevant metabolomic and lipidomic information as possible.


Cell and Molecular Biology, B. S. (2011) University of California, Davis

Research Experience:

Staff Research Associate, 2013-2014 West Coast Metabolomics Center, Metabolomics CORE Lab, UC Davis

Instructor, MS Data Processing, International Summer Sessions in Metabolomics, 2013-Present West Coast Metabolomics Center, UC Davis

Junior Specialist, 2011-2013 Fiehn Research Lab, UC Davis

Student Researcher, 2011 Research Experience for Undergraduate Students (REU) Grant funded by NSF