Here we describe a series of problems and annoyances in Statistica Dataminer v8
The support response time is usually around one hour or faster, software fixes can take longer and are in a CRM system. Updates can be downloaded or can be obtained by CD. Names, IDs and other specific data were removed from the posts here.

Statistica problem 2008-P1 : Nipals PCA very slow - Jan 08 2008
Statistica problem 2008-P2 : ANOVA p-test coloring false after sort - Jan 08 2008
Statistica problem 2008-P3: Font Colors can not be changed in PCA graphics - Jan 2008
Allow access to Statistica help files stored on network (solution)
Statsoft Statistica beware of 101 (comment and solution)
Statistica problem 2008-P4: Copy/paste from EXCEL 2007 copies only 255 columns - Jan 2008
Statistica problem 2008-P5: Color coding generally false after sort of classifications
Statistica problem 2008-P6: No scores plot in Factor analysis and multiple vector plots - Feb 2008