>Outer cell wall lipid secretions from UTEX 2341 (Chlorella minutissima)<strong>


>Project Partner:
Tobias KindJohn K. Meissen, Dawei Yang, Fernando Nocito, Arpana Vaniya, Yu-Shen Cheng, Jean S. VanderGheynstOliver Fiehn

>Qualitative analysis of algal secretions with multiple mass spectrometric platforms; <strong>Journal of Chromatography A (2012); Download article here [DOI] [PDF]
>Short Introduction:

The outer cell wall secretions of UTEX2341 were analyzed using lipid profiling methods. Around 1000 components were detected, 50 compounds were annotated with GC-MS, nanoESI infusion and LC-MS/MS. See also our LipidAnalysis web page [LINK].

Provided project data:

The raw files and MS/MS files of the different platforms are provided here as [ZIP].

>1) DART - contains XCalibur measurements of lipid excretions
>2) GC-MS -  contains FAME raw files (USE AMDIS)
>3) LC-MS - contains QTOF LC-MS/MS files (mzdata, mzXML)
>4) nanoESI - contains MSMS files for Advion Nanomate - LTQ ion trap
>5) Results - contains annotations and results<div>

>Picture service (for your convenience):<strong>

Parts of the software supplement of the publication are published under the Creative Commons (by) license. This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. Download PPT and TIFF pictures.

Links to external software used in the project:
><span>1) TEXTPAD ($$)
>2) MS EXCEL ($$$)<span> + Visual Basic
>3) ChemAxon molconvert (free), cxcalc (academic license), JCHEM full (academic license)
>4) ChemAxon Instant-JChem (free academic version)
>5) LipidMaps Tools 
>6) NIST MS Search -
>Databases and Services (updated):<em>
><span>1)  The PubChem database (free) - download the whole PubChem DB here: PubChem FTP
>2)  LipidMaps database (free)